Our Services

This is an exciting time in our clinic!  We now offer laser tattoo removal services in the facility!  We use the cutera enlighten which utilizes both nano and pico second technology with all three wave bands that guarantees the fewest treatments out of mostly all the other lasers out there.  When other lasers have difficulty with light greens/reds, this laser targets the color after a few treatments with true pico second technology.  This saves the patient time and money through our quality control measures.  We also teach Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Laser Technicians, MA’s and other medical cosmetic professionals how to perform these procedures in our licensed school (sselaser.org). Our clinic recently added the Yag laser made by candela that not only does hair removal for all skin colors, but also photo facials to keep you looking and feeling the best!  We’ve also added the “Exilis” fat cell dissipation and skin tightening services to our updated clinic.  To book an appointment you can simply click the appointment app located on this web page and a clinic rep will confirm/change your appointment within 72  hours!  Again thank you for 45 years of service!

Our clinic also offers GAINSWave which is the premium brand of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for ED, performed right here in our clinic. Treatment is all-natural and clinically proven using high-frequency shockwaves to enhance male sexual function, performance, and overall health. It is the only non-invasive procedure that treats the root cause of erectile dysfunction in men by increasing blood flow, releasing growth factors in the tissue forming new blood vessels, and breaking down micro-plaque in the penis. We can also treat bursitis as well as poor blood circulation in the lower extremities with this device.

Exilis Treatments are provided in our clinic, Dr. Christopher Marek did such a good job producing a you tube video on the device (link below) that we decided to feature it on this page.  He has the same device as us, if your in the Danville, KY area please see him and if your in the Lexington, KY area please see us;)

In addition to the exilis, our recently hired Nurse Practitioner Emily McAlister is now offering medical assisted weight loss with Ozempic as well as a variety of HCG plans that are tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Combined, these treatments can produce amazing results!


Electrolysis is approved by the FDA for being permanent and safe.The Electrolysis procedure is done by inserting a fine, sterile metal probe into a follicle. Then, with the right amount of intensity delivered to the target area, the hair will slide out, a new one never growing from that follicle again. The best time to treat a hair is when it first emerges from the surface of the skin, when it is short, straight and moist. This is why it is important to schedule regular appointments and be consistent with your treatment.  We just recently updated to the most advanced electrology machine in the world which uses pico technology.  The Apilus Xcell pro currently provides the patient amazing speeds utilizing “The Flash” as well as a variety of “Blend” settings on a “pico” level.  All patients have been more than pleased with this start of the art technology.

Most women have unwanted hair, and most of that hair is normal for one’s age, sex and ethnic background. Hair patterns are usually inherited. Hormones may be stimulated by factors such as:

  1. Puberty, Pregnancy, or Menopause.
  2. Stress
  3. Weight gain or loss
  4. Medication
  5. Disruption of the Endocrine System  (Examples: Uterine tumors, PCOS Irregular menstrual cycle)

Many people that develop unwanted hair will make the problem worse by waxing and tweezing (scientifically proven to cause current hairs to get thicker and start growing hairs where you have none). If the client would instead shave the area they would prevent the problem from becoming worse. Waxing and tweezing disturb the hair germ cells and will result in more hairs surrounding the area.

Not all hairs are visible at the same time; some take months to emerge. This is why it takes a series of treatments to successfully rid yourself of unwanted hairs.

Laser & IPL:

One of our lasers is a diode, operating at 810 nm, our other laser is the Yag laser by candela which utilizes both 755 nm and 1064 nm wave length technology, this means we can treat all skin colors. Our diode laser has radio frequency that is added to heat up the follicle, helping the laser perform efficiently.  The yag laser uses cryogen spray which virtually makes the laser hair/spot removal treatment painless!

What makes laser hair removal systems effective is the absorption of radiant energy to the essential interaction between laser light and tissue.

For our purpose in laser hair removal, the objective is to deliver sufficient laser energy to the hair follicle to destroy it, while utilizing a pulse duration short enough to avoid damage to surrounding tissue.

With each pulse the laser can attack 100-500 follicles. This is especially effective for large areas such as the back, legs, and arms.

Clients/Patients can come on their lunch hour and have a laser treatment and return to work. You can apply your make-up immediately with no problem.

Everyone we treat with the laser gets positive results; however, some clients will see better results than others.

More complete and powerful than any other intense pulsed light (IPL) system on the market, the Apilux 3G promises quick results and unrivalled treatment comfort. The Apilux 3G Canadian made technology is based on a high-performance optical technology called Alternating Pulsed Light or APL which enables the device to be used safely and efficiently on any type of clientele. Finally, its wide variety of treatments (hair removal, rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentary, acne) and its hyper efficient cooling system make it an indisputable choice!

While we cannot guarantee the exact outcome of any client’s treatments, the majority are completely satisfied with the results.


BOTOX® Cosmetic is the first and only treatment FDA approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines look better in adults. So you look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines.

Treatment requires minimal downtime. You can return to your daily routine immediately after you leave your specialist’s office. You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours, with full results in 30 days, with results lasting up to 4 months for moderate to severe frown lines.